According to the CDC, each year, about 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for a fall injury, and one out of every five falls causes an injury, such as broken bones or a head injury. Sadly, for many of them, returning home is no longer an option, as they end up relocating to assisted living communities or nursing homes due to the injuries sustained in the fall,…
The Importance of Staying Hydrated for Seniors
We all could likely try a bit harder to drink enough water. It is what helps our bodies function, keeps everything moving and working as it should be. Many people don’t drink enough water. For seniors, it may be a bit more difficult. Often, they may forget, or if they have bladder concerns, would prefer not to drink too much in fear of an accident. As we age, we also…
Date Ideas for Older Couples
For couples who have been together for many years, relationships can become stale. All aspects of a relationship require work, and your romantic life needs to remain fresh and active. Once the kids are grown, many couples find themselves at a loss for something to do or even talk about. But this is the perfect time to renew your interests together and develop new ones. It’s important for each individual…
What to Consider Before Moving Closer to an Adult Child
After retirement, many people start to feel alone and lost for something to do. All too often, the kids have moved away and you don’t see them or your grandchildren. Retirees and seniors also look to move away for better climate, more senior services, or better health care. It’s quite common for retirees to want to relocate closer to their adult children. However, before you sell up and move, there…
Ways to Maintain Independence – Tips for Seniors
As our loved ones age, it can be frustrating for family members. We often try to jump in and take over a task to save time, but we are not doing them or ourselves any favors. Keeping them independent for as long as possible is better for everyone. It helps them keep active and maintain both physical and mental health. There are a few ways you can help them keep…
Losing Caregiver Guilt and Living at Peace
Caring for an elderly loved one is a massive undertaking. It can make you feel any and all kinds of emotions. Frustrated, lonely, angry, and guilty. It can be a thankless job, even if you are not the primary caregiver. Guilt can enter the picture in many different ways. You might feel like they take up too much of your time, or you don’t see them enough. Or, you can…
Helping Seniors Avoid Holiday Depression
We’re entering a season of joy, celebration, and togetherness. But while this is generally a happy time for many, it can also be a period of loneliness and sadness for older adults. This time of hustle and bustle can be overwhelming, and for seniors living on their own, the holidays can magnify feelings of isolation and loss. That’s why seniors need to take proactive steps to prevent holiday depression. If…
Aging & Eldercare: 10 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Family Caregiver
Here are five important things to consider before taking on more caregiving for your older family members.
Caregiver Independence Days Are Crucial to Your Own Well Being
If you’re a family caregiver, the following are some considerations before you go on vacation – whether you’re taking time off for a week or a weekend.
2 Big Ways to Cut the Cost of Caring for Aging Parents
Following are two major areas of focus where you should concentrate your efforts when looking to reduce the cost of caring for your parent or loved one.